1What quality items do you take?
We aim to provide families with items that we would use ourselves. Ask yourself whether you would pass it on to your best friend or would be happy to receive it yourself. If the answer is yes then we would love to have it! Please see our donations page to find out what items we currently need and how to get them to us.
2I am unable to deliver, do you offer a collection service?
If you are unable to deliver your items please get in touch and we may be able to find a volunteer who can collect. It depends on what you are donating, where you live and the availability of volunteers. You can email us on bairnecessities@babybanknetwork.com.
3I am based in…., how can I donate?
If you are based near Aberdeenshire, then please see our our donations page to find out what items we need and how to get them to us. If you live near Bristol, our partner organisation, Baby Bank Network would love to hear from you. If you are not local to Bristol nor Aberdeenshire, please see this map of other Baby Banks provided by our friends at Stripey Stork in Surrey.
4I don’t have any baby items to donate but would still like to help. What can I do?
We're in need of lots of items beyond clothes and equipment. Perhaps you could donate packs of nappies or wipes. Or maybe some nice treats for the mums. Please see our donations pages for information on how to donate toiletries, cash so we can buy items such as new mattresses, or choose something from our Amazon wishlist. We also need volunteers and fundraisers. Please contact us on bairnecessities@babybanknetwork.com.
5What will you buy with cash donations?
We will buy new mattresses for cots and moses baskets, replacement parts for prams and highchairs and new teats for bottles.